Monday, April 25, 2011


The first thing i wan to write is
this month got a lot assignment to do...

  • IT
and a lot a lot coming soon
and i dun even knw how to start the assignment
Mathematics and accounting going to have a test on end of may
i going to die on the test i think..
coz i dun even understand what the teacher talking and teaching

Now me and my college friends are planning to have a study group
and do assignment together
all the assignment and test is

The second thing i wan to share is...
i got no time to spend with my secondary and primary school friendsss...
i really miss them..
they called me out to yamcha at night
but i also cant make it and missed the time that can spend with them
primary's school friends called me to plan a gathering
but i dun knw when only the gathering plan

by Jojo

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